Helpr Family Resources

Options For After-School Childcare

Written by Helpr | Sep 20, 2021 9:57:36 PM

Your school and community offer low cost and free after-school programming, let's weigh your options to cover childcare gaps.

Why The Gap?

The typical workday is eight hours at any time of day, while the typical school day ends between 2-3 pm. This leaves at least an hour to two hour childcare gap. After-school enrichment programs are often free, and provide activity programming, homework help and tutoring, afternoon snacks and more.

We’ve compiled a list of resources to support you throughout the workday. 

School-Based After-School Programs 

Most schools offer some after-school programming for children. If you’re unsure of what your school has to offer for after-school care, ask a teacher, call the parent liaison or go to your school’s website to learn more. 

There are also companies and nonprofit organizations that offer after-school care options, focused on specific extracurricular activities like art or science. Your school will have more information about those partners.

Community After-School Childcare 

Community childcare is held outside of a school campus. There are programs like local YMCAs, recreation centers, religious institutions, and other community centers that offer transportation and programming nearby. 

Family Support

It takes a village. If you have family (or a community of friends) close by and able to help, reach out to them for support. You have benefit support to pay them through your employer for gap care coverage.

Grandparents are great, or maybe you have a college-aged niece or nephew who can help on certain days. Plus, with the Helpr app, you can use your benefits dollars to pay your loved ones for the care they provide. 

Care That Works for You

There are accessible childcare options for you and your family. Whether you’re enrolling your child in a school-based program, a youth club, or leaning on your personal community, you know what’s best.