Care Provider Resources

Feeling Ill? Here's Why You Shouldn't Accept Care Requests

Written by Helpr | Sep 12, 2024 7:03:20 PM

You wake up feeling a little off—sniffles, maybe a sore throat—but nothing that seems too serious. You’re a hustler, after all, and a small cold won’t stop you from getting through the day. Then, a Helpr sitter request pops up on your phone. The question is: Should you accept it? No, and here’s why.

Listen to Your Body

You’ve probably heard the saying, "If you don’t take a break, your body will force you to." That’s true in more ways than one. We know you're driven, and the temptation to push through sickness is real, especially when there’s extra money to be made. But when you’re not feeling your best, it’s crucial to hit pause. Your body needs rest, and taking care of yourself means not taking on new care jobs when you're under the weather.

Think About the Families You’re Supporting

It’s not just about you—it’s also about the families relying on you. When you accept a care request while sick, there's a chance your illness could worsen before the day of the job. You might end up canceling a Helpr care booking at the last minute, which puts everyone in a tough spot. Finding a replacement sitter at the last minute is a real challenge for us at Helpr, and it sometimes leaves parents without backup care.

Parents Count on You to Be at 100%

While pushing through illness might feel like a badge of honor, it can compromise your ability to deliver the level of care our families rely on. Showing up at anything less than 100% impacts your ability to engage, be attentive, and respond to the needs of the children in your care. Being at your best means offering families the reassurance that their kids are in safe, capable hands—something that’s hard to guarantee when you're not feeling well.

It's About Protecting the Kids, Too

At the heart of every care request is the well-being of the children, and you play a vital role in protecting that. If you accept care requests while unwell, you risk introducing illness into their home. Beyond the immediate inconvenience, sick kids mean sleepless nights, missed work, and emotional strain for parents. From their perspective, a child falling ill is more than an inconvenience—it’s a disruption to their daily life.

The Best Sitters Know When to Say No

We know you're a dedicated sitter, and turning down a job isn’t easy. But sometimes, saying no is the best thing you can do for both yourself and the families you serve. We want our Helpr sitters to be in top shape for every care job. That way, everyone involved—kids, parents, and you—can have the best possible experience.

So, next time you wake up feeling under the weather, give yourself permission to rest. There will always be more opportunities to take care of others, but you need to take care of yourself first.