Meet Britta: Backup Care Aided Her Family in Crisis

Q: How did Helpr help your family?

When the Chicago Teachers Union initially went on strike, my Mother was able to provide childcare for my 3 year old, but when my father had an unexpected heart attack, her time and attention needed to be with him. This left us with very short notice to find childcare before my husband and I needed to get back to work.

Helpr was not only incredibly easy to set-up and use quickly, it also provided reassurance that the care I was lining up for my child was of the highest quality. Helpr provided a quick and easy solution as well as peace of mind during a very stressful time. Helpr's arrangement with my company to cover majority of the cost for care also made the high-quality childcare affordable for our family.

Q: What was the biggest impact of your backup childcare benefit?

At the time when we used Helpr we were expecting our 2nd child within the next 3 months, so we were definitely watching our finances and saving for our new arrival so it was nice that such high-quality childcare over an extended period of time did not have a heavy toll financially.

Q: Why should a company consider offering Helpr as an employee benefit? 

Helpr is extremely accommodating, reassuring and progressive. The process of signing up and finding a childcare provider in your area is seamless and extremely easy – what every working parent needs! By offering this benefit to employees it shows how thoughtful a company is about the wellbeing of the parents they employ and their families!

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Parental benefits like extended maternity and paternity leave are really table stakes – Helpr shows that your company understands that parents need support for the long haul.